How To Prevent Your Carpet From Red Wine Stains

We use colorful and authentic carpets for our rooms. We make every effort to choose the best fabric, material, and color. But do we make that much effort to maintain them? We usually hire professional carpet cleaners to clean our carpets. But do you think that is enough for them?

Our actions and careless behavior are what matters while maintaining our carpets. We usually avoid taking quick action towards the stains in front of our guests but do you ever think what will be the aftereffect of this. Your stain might reach the deeper surface of the fabric and cause bacterial infections. Cleaning your carpets afterward will eliminate the bacteria but it will cause permanent stains that hamper your beautiful-looking carpets.

The most common and terrible stains are wine stains. Red wine stains are difficult to remove but quick actions and following Wine Stain Removal hacks will help you to get rid of them.

1. Baking soda and vinegar:

Baking soda is an effective organic cleaner and it will remove red wine stains effectively. Vinegar has acidic properties that break stains pigments without causing any damage to your carpet. Take one spoon of vinegar and one spoon of baking soda. Apply it on the red wine stain for 10 minutes.

2. Lemon and baking soda:

Lemon has antibacterial properties that prevent bacterial growth and effectively remove red wine stains. It has powerful cleansers and is anti-bacterial. Take one spoon of baking soda and apply it to the lemon slice. Rub the lemon slice on the red wine stain for 5 minutes. So, you will get rid of it without causing any damage to the carpet.

3. Salt and lemon:

Salt has cleansing and anti-bacterial properties of  local carpet cleaning effectively. On the other hand, lemon is the natural cleanser that prevents the penetration of red wine and kills bacteria. It also reduces the chances of mold. Apply a sufficient amount of salt on the slice of lemon. Squeeze and rub the lemon on the red wine stain for 5 minutes. Therefore, you will notice that red wine stains start getting lighter.

4. Vinegar, lemon, and baking soda:

It is an effective and powerful trick to remove any stubborn stain on your carpet. These powerful cleaners also remove stubborn stains in just a few minutes and make your carpet spotless. You just have to take one spoon of baking soda, one spoon of vinegar, and two spoons of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the red wine stain for 5 minutes and clean it with a wet towel.

5. Hydrogen peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide is used by many professional carpet cleaners for solutions and to get more tips for carpet cleaning & stain removal services. The strong oxygen-oxygen bond goes deeper into the stain and breaks them. Therefore, take one cap of hydrogen peroxide in ¼ cup of water and apply it to stains.


You can remove red wine stains efficiently by using the above hacks. So, take quick action that will save you from more effort and you can maintain your expensive carpets for a longer period.

